Better automation design: visual queues
I have a love/hate relationship with Smartsheet automation. On one hand, the automation has saved me countless hours of work. On the other hand, the way the Automation for a sheet pops out and covers…2 · -
Dynamic dropdowns - Waterfall request
The Contact List, Dropdown (Single Select), and Dropdown (Multi Select), are useful tools to control data entry. The problem is they require a lot of maintenance. Through Bridges, we have a sheet tha…597 · -
Select multiple records to fill in a document
We use Smartsheet to record RFQs from our customers. We'd like to use the document creator, but we'd like to be able to select multiple records to to populate a single document.24 · -
Delete Rows using an Automation
Please create automation to delete Rows. Using the move rows automation, we are able to move records to an archive sheet. The problem then becomes we have to manually delete records from the archive …177 · -
Forms to accept just attachments
We've created forms to accept Excel files from our customers. The problem is the form will not accept an attachment with just the Attachment field on the form. We have to add a random field just to g…3 ·